The Mary Galloway Home Foundation

Opening in 1896, The Mary Galloway Home – a Nonprofit Foundation, has provided a retirement home for ladies with financial needs. The Mary Galloway Home Board of Directors has decided to become a grant giving organization, allowing more individuals to enjoy the benefits.

The Mary Galloway Home Foundation is proud to invest in organizations and programs that effectively address the needs of women fifty-five (55) years and older, with financial needs, living in the Mid-South. Grants will be awarded for a period of one year to fund a specific program or project that is either new or ongoing.

The Mary Galloway Home Foundation will evaluate each grant request based on how it will fulfill the mission statement of the Foundation – Our continuing goal is to provide “protection, comfort, and support in a harmonious and dignified setting for retirement age women with financial needs” – the purpose stated over one hundred years ago.

Grant Application for 2024 Project Funding

See below for the Grant Process, Timeline and Eligibility Guidelines.

Online Grant Application

Click here to be taken to the LIVE ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL.

Grant Application

Grant Application Tutorials

These tutorials will walk you through the online application process.

Applicant: Video Tutorial

Applicant: Written Tutorial

If you have questions about the grant process, please contact one of our staff members:

Shelby Parker, Executive Coordinator

Cyndi Coury, President, The Mary Galloway Home Foundation

To Be Eligible for Funding, Applicants Must:

• Be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
• Provide services that fulfill the mission statement of The Mary Galloway Home Foundation for retirement aged women fifty-five and older with financial needs.
• Demonstrate capacity to deliver services that achieve meaningful and measurable outcomes.
• Provide services in one or more of the following Mid-South counties: Shelby, Fayette, Tipton Counties in TN; Crittenden County in Arkansas; and Desoto County in Mississippi.

We Do Not Award Grants:

• To individuals
• To churches and religious organizations for projects that primarily benefit their own members
• To disease-specific organizations wanting funds for national research projects and programs
• To sponsor fundraising and advertising activities
• For political purposes

Grant Process and Timeline:

The application for 2024 Project Funding is available on our website via the link above. All applications must be submitted online. The deadline for grant submission is Thursday, August 15 at 5:00 pm CST.
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

The Mary Galloway Home Foundation board and staff will conduct a thorough review of each application. Applicants that meet the basic eligibility criteria may require a phone interview to further discuss the grant request. In some cases, site visits may be conducted.

Grant awards for 2024 project funding will be announced on September 20, 2024. Funding will be awarded in October 2024.  If awarded a grant, the Applicant must have a representative at the awards ceremony and thereby consents to all publicity generated and published by MGH including but not limited to MGH website.

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

What is an appropriate amount to request from The Mary Galloway Home Foundation?

We have not established minimum or maximum grant award amounts. Grant award amounts in recent years have varied widely. It is the responsibility of the applicant to present a budget that is appropriate for the type and amount of service proposed.

Can I apply for and receive funding two or more years in a row?

We will accept applications every year from many of the same agencies. There is, however, no guarantee that programs funded during one grant cycle will be funded in the next.

What is the fiscal year for the grant award?

Our fiscal year is January 1 – December 31.

When and how are grant awards made?

All applicants receive written notification regarding approval or denial of grant requests in September.  Successful applicants will receive their actual grant award in October.

What reporting requirements does The Mary Galloway Home Foundation expect?

We ask all grantees to submit a year-end report detailing program accomplishments and expenditures.  In some cases, more frequent reporting may be requested. We also encourage year-round communication between our staff and recipient agencies to remain apprised of progress and changes that may be impacting your organization and your work.

Can I start my online application and finish it later?

Yes. Each time you sign in, you have the option to “Save Application”.

Do I need to create a new online application account each year?

You must create a new account the first time your organization accesses the application process. Once your organization has created an account, you will use the account to apply for funding and submit any requested documents, contracts or reports. You will also be able to view your current application and view your organization’s historical records. Please create only one account per organization. If you need assistance with creating an account or accessing the account after registration, please contact Shelby Parker at